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Discovering Your Womb/Heart Connection

Next Course starting August 4, 2024
A facilitated journey for those with a deep desire to
know themselves more intimately

This experiential course is a starting point to discover the energetic properties
of your womb, defined as your creative center, your inner voice,
the container that holds your deepest truths and desires, and,
its direct relationship to your heart and soul's desires.


When we tap into the intelligence of the womb/heart connection, we establish a
ground / a foundation within ourselves. From here, we develop a felt sense of
safety so we are able to peel back the layers of protection that have kept us feeling

incomplete or unfulfilled, feelings that have kept us stuck, sad, afraid, hurt, angry.


This deep grounding within, makes room for us to soften, and relax deeper into our daily lives.


Who is this course for? Just to name few...

~ Someone who suppresses feelings or emotions as they begin to surface
~ Someone feeling blocked, stuck, or unsafe to feel their feelings
~ Someone with a longing not met

~Someone overwhelmed in their daily life

~Someone with an old story on repeat

What will we explore during this course?

~ what the energetic properties of the womb are
~ what the womb/heart connection is
~ what it can do for us, how and when to utilize it
~ how to establish a safe container within ourselves to stay in the discomfort of
what is arising during the practices, and in our daily lives
~ how to use the safety net we created in our bodies to uncover what is holding us back from
living in our fullness & wholeness
~ how to begin to change the paradigm of what is not working


What will you receive from this course?

~the ability to establish your magnetic ground

~the ability to identify your stuck patterning

~the capacity to stay with what you're feeling

~the ability to embody more of you

~to come away with a felt sense of ease and awareness






August 4, August 11, August 18


10:30am - 12:00pm


3 x 90 min in person sessions

A set of Somatic Body practices
+ WhatsApp Group


Payment Options - Cash, check or Zelle


There are six spaces available in this workshop.
Please wear comfortable clothing.
Bring water, and a notepad and pen for journaling.


Register by emailing Deadline is July 31, 2024



I'd be happy to answer them on a free 20 minute Discovery Call.

Book your call here.

I look forward to being together with you in this transformative course!





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